In Texas, you can file for child support in several ways, including online. However, if you are filing for child support for the first time or have questions about the process, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Child support is an ongoing, periodic payment made following the end of a marriage or other relationship. These payments help financially provide for that parent’s child or children and ensure their basic needs are met. The process of filing for or paying child support may vary from state to state, so read on to learn five things you should consider when filing in Texas.
- Is paternity established? In order to request child support from the father of a child, paternity must be established. If paternity is in question by either party or has not been confirmed, it can be verified through a court-ordered DNA test.
- Who gets custody? Child support is typically paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent. If there is no agreement between parents regarding custody, then the court decides who gets custody. The court determines custody based on the best interests of the children.
- Do you have the appropriate documents? In Texas, parents filing for child support will need to provide a series of documents to the court, such as a divorce decree or separation agreement, acknowledgement of paternity, birth certificate(s) and evidence of child support payment history.
- How much will be awarded? In order to determine whether or not you will be able to meet your obligations as a parent, the court must first determine how much money you make. This is called income calculation. In Texas, child support payment is usually 20 percent of the obligor’s net monthly income.
- Do you need to locate the non-custodial parent? If you are unsure of the whereabouts of the non-custodial parent of your child, the court may need to make inquiries based on information you provide, such as the other parent’s employer, social security number, and names of relatives or friends.
This blog does not constitute legal advice. For more information about filing for child support in Texas, contact Sandoval Family Law today.