Experienced Child Custody Lawyer in Austin: Get Your Custody Matters Solved
The well-being of your children is probably your greatest concern when going through any family law dispute. It is difficult to imagine losing time with your children, much less losing custody.
At Sandoval Family Law, P.C., we understand your concerns, and we are here to help. On this page, you’ll find basic information about child custody in Texas. When you are ready, we invite you to contact our experienced child custody lawyer in Austin to get more detailed, case-specific information and advice. Our skilled child custody attorney is here to provide the support you need during this challenging time.
Serving The Best Interests Of The Children
In Texas, courts are required to make child custody decisions in the best interests of the children. That usually means keeping both parents involved in their children’s lives (but does not necessarily mean with equal custody or parenting time).
Our firm is also committed to serving the best interests of children. To that end, we strongly encourage peaceful, negotiated agreements whenever possible. This prevents children from being caught in the middle of a parental dispute or being asked to choose sides.
Furthermore, a negotiated agreement will likely give you more control over the outcome. Remember that if no agreement can be reached, the decision will be left up to a judge who does not know you or your children.
Most of the time in divorce proceedings, negotiation is in everyone’s best interests. However, negotiation only works when both sides cooperate and speak to each other in good faith. If your spouse or co-parent refuses to negotiate, we will not hesitate to advocate aggressively for your interests in the courtroom.
Contact Sandoval Law Firm To Learn More About Child Custody Hearings
If you’re facing child custody issues, our lawyers can provide the guidance you need to resolve your situation. Our staff is experienced, reliable and understanding. To schedule an initial strategy session, please send us an email or call 512-580-2449. We serve Travis County and Austin TX.
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