Protect the Safety of You and Your Children
Domestic violence can include physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial abuse. The first thing a parent should consider if there is immediate danger to the parent and/or children is calling 911. Sometimes that may not be a solution because the other parent may have a right to the child and the police may view the situation as a civil case and suggest hiring an attorney.
Obtaining a Protective Order
At Sandoval Family Law, when we learn of allegations of domestic violence, we can act immediately by filing an emergency protective order. We’re concerned about your safety as well as the safety of your children. We will take the necessary actions to make certain you are in a safe place.
Contact us Today to Learn More
Sandoval Law Firm knows how important your family is to you. We will represent you in domestic violence cases. Our lawyers serve in Travis County and across Austin, TX. To schedule an initial strategy session, please contact us in Austin at 512-580-2449 or send us an email.