Can I Request More Child Support?

Child support is the ongoing payment made by one parent following the end of a marriage or relationship that helps provide for a child’s basic needs, such as food, clothing and shelter. Child support payments are made by the non-custodial parent (called the obligor),...

How to Hire a Lawyer for Your Divorce Case

Nearly one million Americans get divorced every year. Depending on the type of divorce, and whether or not it is contested, it may or may not be advisable to hire an attorney for divorce proceedings. According to a survey, about 60 percent of those getting...

5 Things to Know About Paternity in Texas

In a legal context, “paternity” means the establishment of the identity of a child’s father. There are many situations in which paternity must be legally established—whether it is a child custody, child support, adoption, or inheritance case. Typically paternity is...

What to Do If You’re Served With Custody Papers

While many people think of child custody cases in the context of a divorce, it is possible for one parent to make a case to a judge regarding custody, visitation, child support, or medical support outside of a divorce case. In Texas, this is referred to as a Suit...

How to Prepare for a Child Custody Hearing in Texas

Few things are more stressful than battling over your right to spend time with your own children. With all the emotions and the high stakes involved, it’s no wonder that negotiations for child custody (called conservatorship in Texas) can so frequently turn ugly. If...

5 Financial Tips For Preparing For A Divorce

If there’s one thing everybody knows about divorces, it’s that they can cost a lot of money—between legal fees, court fees, and the apportionment of assets, the process of separating from a partner entails real financial changes in your life. Here are some financial...

5 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore When Hiring a Lawyer

Hiring an attorney can be an intimidating process. If you are looking for a lawyer for a divorce or child custody case, or for another family law matter in Texas, you may feel particularly overwhelmed. The high emotions and high stakes of family law cases can cloud...

Can Stepparents Have Visitation Rights After a Divorce?

In Texas, When it comes to divorce, child custody, and visitation issues, most people think about how the divorced biological parents of children will navigate the legal complexities of these cases. However, there are potentially several other adults and caretakers...

What Rights Do Grandparents Have in a Divorce?

Discussion of divorces and custody often centers on parents. But families include other people, including grandparents who have taken an active interest in a child’s welfare. If you are considering a divorce, or are a grandparent with a child who is considering a...

What Happens When Co-Parents Disagree About Healthcare

If you share custody of your child or children with another parent, there are many important, yet challenging, conversations you will need to have with your co-parent regarding what is in your child’s best interests. One of the big topics of discussion will...